Organized Spaces for Back to School

Cooler temperatures bring school days and a full calendar of activities. Usually backpacks and briefcases filled with paperwork follows. Our devices need a place to charge. Coats need a place to hang. Built-in desks and shelves, mudrooms, bulletin boards and chalk boards help us stay organized during the busiest months of the year. Our kitchens are headquarters: where kids do homework at the island while we make dinner.


Mudrooms for Managing Stuff

When reconfiguring space for new kitchens we’re often asked to add or re-design a mudroom. We all have much more stuff than our parents and grandparents ever did. It really helps to have a place to store the shoes, boots, backpacks, coats, jackets, hats, and more. Even better - room for a bench to sit down and put those boots on!


Having access to files near a desk is another great idea for staying organized - whether for working from home or keeping school paperwork handy. Doesn’t hurt to have the snacks close by, either!
