Touchless Products Perfect for Living through a Pandemic

Five months have passed since the first news of a global pandemic, and it appears Covid-19 is still with us. Most everyone we know has adapted by social distancing, wearing masks, repeated hand washing, and disinfecting surfaces. 😧

Once that we knew how easily Covid-19 spreads - especially on shared surfaces that we touch and then touch our faces or vice versa - we began to see a rise in the installation of touchless faucets, toilets, automatic light sensors, and automated shades that are synced to circadian rhythms.

Touchless Faucets

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Good hygiene is more important now than ever, so Delta has taken a small step with the VoiceIQ™ Faucet to make it a little easier for you and your family to practice CDC-recommended handwashing techniques. Speak to your connected home device to "ask Delta to wash my hands" or to "activate handwash mode":

  • The water will begin to flow. Run your hands under the stream to wet them.

  • The water will turn off for 20 seconds while you wash with soap.

  • Wash your hands until the water turns back on.

  • The water will turn back on for a 10 second rinse.

From the Boston Basins website, “Keep your head up, wash your hands well, and enjoy time with your loved ones (even if it's virtual). We will all get through this together.”

We also recommend the Delta Touch20.xt® Technology that is activated with a simple touch or can be set up to be completely hands-free. By moving your hand close to the faucet, the water will begin to run. Touchless faucets and accessories are available in a variety of finishes.

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If you are looking for touchless for your bathroom sink, we recommend the Brizo Smart Touch Plus/TempIQ.

  • SmartTouchPlus® Technology with TempID™ - touch or hands-free water activation with temperature indicating LED light

  • TempIQ™ Temperature Control Technology (features * Electronic Thermostatic Valve * Temperature Sensing LED Display * High Temperature Limit Stop)

Photo: Jason Wu Single hole Electronic Lav  (Shown right in Matte Black)

Automatic Lights, Shades, Fans and more…

Did you know that you never have to turn on a light or open and close your shades or draperies by hand ever again? Technology has made automated lighting and automated shading easier than ever. There are a number of sophisticated products from Lutron, home integration systems from Control4, and easy to manage - from your mobile phone or tablet - residential automation apps.

Panasonic offers fan operation that senses when you enter the bathroom and comes on automatically. The WhisperGreen Select’s SmartAction® Motor Sensor shuts off automatically, too, after 20 minutes! No touching switches and save on the electric bill if you live with family members who never remember to turn off the light!

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Finally, Robern offers another touchless feature with motor sensor lighting in their medicine cabinets. Some of these products double as safety features as they provide enough light to prevent tripping and falling.

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How do you like your house now? If after living and working in your home for the past five months you realize that some minor or major changes are needed, give us a call. We will work with you to create a space you love, that functions better and looks beautiful.